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Medicine Hat Lodge and Casino venues are going through a special period of development as they have recently purchased game venues and prepared for rebranding and renovation. Now the new management is ready to announce a new name that will eventually become the Copper Coolie Casino, reflecting the new ownership.

This week, there was a long-awaited announcement about a new name for the game venue to run in the future. You can remember that until now, the game venue was better known as a casino by Banshaw. This purchase and management change is likely to bring renovations to game venues and renew them. Plans for the ultimate relocation are also currently under discussion, making the development process more attractive. 카지노사이트

Rebranding to Give Casino a New Face
The joint venture overseeing the management of casino venues consists of the Canalta Hotel, Stage West Hospitality and Albert Stark. There is a reason behind this particular name, and Mr. Stark shed more light on the story behind it. In order to preserve the nature of the casino place and strengthen its connection with the area, the name Copper Cooley Casino seemed to fit well.

Mr Stark said that copper and copper kule, in particular, are an essential part of the local culture and make the Medicine Hat unique. In the weeks leading up to this rebranding, the community has received more and more information about rebranding and everything new at casino venues. This happened not only on social media but also on many platforms using good old billboards.

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