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Oh Se-geun in an SK jersey, waiting for the season to start.

Oh Se-geun became a free agent (FA) and joined SK from KGC (now Jeonggwanjang). After playing for 11 years, he moved to SK for a new challenge. “It’s been less than a month since I started training. I’ve been rehabbing since a week before I came to the U.S., and I’ve been looking at patterns. “I’m still not able to do 5-on-5 training,” he said, “but I’m getting used to the court by touching the ball and running on the court. I was hoping to play a scrimmage in the 카지노사이트 U.S. as soon as possible, but it’s still too early. We haven’t had a lot of team training, so we’ll have to go back and play some practice games to adjust.”

Coach Jeon Hee-chul is thinking of playing in the Cup. The same goes for Oh Se-geun. He returned to the court around the same time after building his offseason body at Jeonggwanjang. “At Jeonggwanjang, I trained to that level. The coach told me to do the same,” he said, adding, “To adapt, you need to build your body well. “It’s important to try it now, but I think I’ll have to adapt from the beginning of the season. I’m learning (SK Basketball) by watching from the outside. There are a lot of similar patterns, and I think I’ll be able to adapt quickly because I see what’s going on.”

The Hotel Flora Cup in Japan and practice games in the United States. Oh is itching to get back on the court, but he’s holding out for the regular season. Instead, he’s been training at night to get in shape. “I’ve been working very hard since Japan,” he says. I don’t have the body to play, but I’m holding on. (Song) Chang-yong and (Heo) Il-young are encouraging me to play, so I’m saving up to do well in Korea. I’ve been training at night every day. I’m training as hard as I can while paying attention to my body.”

It wasn’t an easy decision to make. It was a difficult decision to leave the team he played for for 11 years. “There was always pressure,” says Oh. There will be a lot of talk around me because I switched teams. You have to overcome it yourself. You have to enjoy that part of it. There is no urgency. The coach and other staff have done a good job, so I think I just need to do well.”

With his move to SK, he was reunited with Kim Sun-hyung, who was part of the legendary 52-game winning streak at Chung-Ang University. A reunion after 12 years. In those 12 years, they won MVPs side by side and established themselves as two of the best players in professional basketball. “When we play, we play well,” says Oh. But even if we don’t play behind him, he’ll handle it on his own. There’s not much to talk about. He’s also a player who thinks positively a lot, so if we work well together, we’ll have a good synergy.”

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