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The United States and China have agreed to maintain close communication on climate change issues, China says.

China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment announced on its official WeChat account tonight (Nov. 20) that US Special Envoy for Climate Change John Kerry visited China from Nov. 16-19 and held talks with Special Representative for Climate Change Xu Hua and Vice Minister of Ecology and Environment Zhao Yingmin.

According to the statement, the two sides had in-depth discussions on implementing the consensus of the Bali, Indonesia summit between the two leaders last November and cooperating and responding to the global challenge of climate change.

They agreed that climate change is a common challenge facing humanity, and it is important for the two countries to work together to respond to the challenge.

The two countries introduced their respective policies and situations in response to climate change in particular, and exchanged views on energy transition, global green industrial chains and supply chains, low- and zero-carbon technologies, and cooperation mechanisms.

They also decided to continue to promote the multilateral process on climate change, support the activities of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which is chairing the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and work with each party to ensure the success of COP28.

The meeting was attended by officials from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, 먹튀검증 as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Development and Reform Council, and the National Energy Authority.

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