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President Yoon Suk Yeol walks past the Korean flag during a ceremony commemorating Memorial Day at Seoul National Cemetery, Thursday. Courtesy of presidential office

President Yoon Suk Yeol is contemplating a Cabinet reshuffle as soon as late June, which may involve replacing several ministers who have held their positions since the start of his presidency.

The reshuffle is seen as a bid to rejuvenate and prevent further weakening of his control over state affairs, following the ruling People Power Party’s (PPP) crushing defeat in the April 10 general elections.

An official at the presidential office said Friday that the office is now in “an early stage of vetting a number of candidates” to replace ministers and vice ministers.

During a press conference on May 9, Yoon said that he has been “refraining from using a Cabinet reshuffle as a tool for political maneuvering despite criticisms,” but “it is time for a Cabinet reshuffle because there are some ministers who have been serving for more than two years, and there is a need to refresh the atmosphere in various ministries to better address public welfare issues.”

Due to his remarks, speculation is growing that Yoon is contemplating replacing his ministers who have been in office since Yoon’s 2022 inauguration. They include Minister of the 카지노사이트 Interior and Safety Lee Sang-min, Minister of Science and ICT Lee Jong-ho, Minister of Environment Han Wha-jin and Minister of Employment and Labor Lee Jung-sik.

However, the reshuffle is anticipated to take time, as appointing a minister requires a National Assembly confirmation hearing, and the opposition parties, which currently control the Assembly with 192 out of 300 seats, are determined to be uncompromising on any nominees that Yoon name.

The confirmation hearing is a non-binding questioning session, meaning the president can appoint a nominee no matter what the Assembly recommends, as Yoon has done a number of times already. However, snubbing the opposition again will likely undermine his promise to “cooperate with the opposition.”

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