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SK Yoo So-jeong throws a shot during the game against Gyeongnam Development Corporation on the 11th

 SK Sugar Gliders won its fourth straight victory in the opening of the Handball H League. SK defeated Gyeongnam Development Corporation 35-30 in the first round of the Shinhan SOL Pay 2023-2024 Handball H League Women’s Division held at Gwangmyeong Citizen’s Gymnasium in Gyeonggi-do on the 11th.SK, which had won all four games, maintained its sole lead.

SK, which led 17-14 in the first half, allowed the game to trail by 18-17, or 1 goal, in the early part of the second half, but SK, led by Kang Kyung-min, who scored 13 goals alone on the day, won by 5 goals.

Kang Kyung-min, who scored 13 goals and 4 assists, doubled his joy by surpassing 900 goals for the third time in his league career. In addition to Kang Kyung-min, SK’s attack was led by Kang Eun-hye (6 goals) and Yoo So-jung (5 goals).In Gyeongnam Development Corporation, which was trying to 카지노사이트 win three games in a row, Choi Ji-hye scored eight goals.

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