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I reached Stowe and the drive unit failed,” he explained. DW Racing’s Ben Casey thus secured a pole, followed closely by former Formula 2 and F3 racer Hector Hurst on his Scorpio motorsport debut, followed by Valour’s Chris Freen.

Preen’s challenge lasted until the first corner where he had contact from behind with DW’s Andy Lowe. Freen also made contact with DW’s Peter Tyler as he spun.

With the release of the safety car, Casey led Hurst, 360 Jason Reshover, Doris’ Mark Williams and Valour’s Haydn Chance, while Ray is already in sixth place.

The green flag waved as they started the third lap, but the reshorber got lost. “I just missed my hand when I started again and they went by,” he said.

Williams and Ray both moved forward. “Jason hesitated through the Magots and I took him to the hanger straight, and then I went alongside Ray through the Stowe,” Williams explained.

Casey’s lead grew, but Ray began to swirl around second-place Hurst and settled into a loop after four laps.

But on the second tour from the end, Casey suddenly slowed down. “The actuator is gone and the gear is not engaged,” he explained after heading in the pit direction.

Ray took the lead, but after one more lap, the race became a red flag as Austin Riley was laid on the gravel of the magots.

It was Ray’s impressive performance until he won by almost five seconds behind the grid.

“I had to go inside from Woodcourt and follow the mark all the way to the end to avoid the starting incident,” he said. “Honestly, I thought I might be in the top five, but I’m really happy.”

Hurst was delighted to finish second in his second race in nine years. “I tried to catch Ben in front of a safety car, but I let him go when James came close,” he said.

It was Williams who was equally pleased with his third place. “I thought about following him after James, but I wanted to see the flag in check because it was the same as my best result

Reshover remained in fourth place, but John McReed closed at the end, and Chance finished in the top six, beating TGM’s Jack Tomalin.

Ray and Casey were soon successful in their second race Sunday morning, and Hurst led the six-car train in Tomalin, McLeod, Reshover, Williams and Chance to finish third.

There were 13 minutes on the clock as a green flag came out after a short safety car intervention, but the race was over for Tomalin. As both cars went out, he explained, “it started again frantically and we were three side by side through Maggotz – the chance spun and I had nowhere to go.”

In the lead, it was a comfortable victory for Ray as Casey lost with a slow SR1 in between when he started again, and Williams was surprised and delighted to be back in third place.

Hurst also struggled with the restart but remained fourth as both he and Tyler came back threateningly close to Williams in the flag.

Ben Casey started the attack when he started before things got worse

Photograph: Radical

There was light rain for the weekend’s longer final race, but it soon became heavier after the start of safety vehicles.

Reid led but Caisley launched the attack as soon as the race was broadcast live, sharing several exchanges with Hurst watching.

Ray went down to third just before Casey stopped for the first time, which gave Hurst the lead. When the stop was complete, Preen took the lead, and Ray led Hurst’s chase.

The situation was making it difficult for any progress to be made. “James was able to see in the mirror, he put on the brakes quickly but didn’t really feel any pressure,” Priene said after Hurst won his first radical victory in the UK by 1.326 seconds as he finished third.

SR1 Class – Stoney’s Double
Championship leader Theo Mikuris dominated the weekend opening race at RAW/Heart GT, while James Pinkerton and Derby University’s Tom Wood finished second and third throughout.

Both Shane Stoney of Doris and Oscar Joyce of DW were delayed on the line as their beginnings held the end of future SR3 events.

Stoney soon had his fourth sewed, and Joyce retained his fifth from George Nutton of track focus.

Mikuris finished second in the race at first, but it didn’t last long. “I couldn’t get down to the club corner and I was stuck in a fifth gear, so I did what I could to finish,” he said after returning home in 11th place.

Stoney took the lead on three laps after an initial duel with Wood, but was subsequently followed by Pinkerton on the workhorse after Wood retired. “The front is broken straight,” Wood said after going to Rufield and pulling out the safety car.

With the top two confirmed, the third place went down to wire. Knutton managed to hold on to Balloor’s James Ockenden until the final lap. 먹튀검증

Stoney finished third on the road after another battle with Wood in a very wet finale after Orkden and Knutton dueled to lead the flag.

“I took the initiative, but it was hard work, and George caught me when I made a mistake,” Okenden admitted.

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