Gateway casino workers in British Columbia release videos to the public for their voices to be heard in unprecedented conditions. About 3,000 casino employees in the state are struggling financially due to lockdown restrictions, and a year after BC casino closures, employees said the government had forgotten about them.
British Columbia’s gambling houses have been closed for a year, meaning casino workers in the state have long been sidelined without work. Casino employees are left in the dark without information on whether the venue will reopen at any time, even though other businesses in the state, including restaurants and shopping centers, have reopened.
New Westminster Starlight Casino workers shared their difficulties in a video recently posted online by the British Columbia Government and Service Employees Union. Titled “Don’t Forget Casino Workers,” the video shows interviews of two single mothers who shared their unhappy experiences due to casino closures and lack of communication.
Manuela, a slot crew member and a member of the Industrial Health and Safety Commission, shared her heartfelt story about how the lockdown hurt her. According to her, Gateway casinos and unions did everything they could to reopen gambling venues, but they were available. Especially if the building has already installed mandatory health and safety measures on the site.
The company’s public relations director, Tanya Gabara, said the British Columbia province was the only place without functioning gambling properties. According to her, the company’s reopening of other properties in Alberta and Ontario, which are carrying out the same safety measures in order, had no negative impact on local residents in the province. 슬롯게임
The Department of Health responded to the request by stating that the government recognizes the impact of the lockdown on the British Columbia region’s population and in this case the gambling industry. However, the health ministry failed to provide a resumption date and encouraged everyone to remain patient.
BCLC’s statement
Stuart Grumutis, head of eGaming operations at the British Columbia Lottery Company, recently informed Crown Company that it is in intensive discussions with other casino regulators, Worksafe BC and local health authorities, about the possible reopening period. He said the current situation is rather complicated, but the ongoing discussions are very positive and there will be development soon.
A Look at the Pain of the Royal Family
View’s mayor, David Scrizzi, said the area was badly hurt by the closure in March last year, due to the lack of activity at local casinos. According to calculations, the town of Beauroyal lost about C$2 million without casino income. And soon Congress will be tasked with distributing the region’s depleted budget.